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O Canada! Guides to Canadian Local Search

Canadian_FlagAcorn works mostly with American clients, but we do have some Canadian customers as well. The Local work we do for these clients is different than the work for US inns, because of a few reasons, one being that certain tools we use don't work for Canadian businesses, and that Canada has different citations.

This can be confusing for the Canadian innkeeper who has been attending webinars by Acorn and others, and finding that the information that is so valuable to American inns doesn't translate for them.

To the rescue comes David Mihm, with an awesome list of citations that apply only to Canadian businesses. It's not new information, but if a business-owner wasn't sure where to start to update and correct directories, this is great. Another great article by Dev Basu lists several well-known Local expert's choices for Canadian citations.

Innkeepers can use the links included in all of these articles to make sure their businesses are represented correctly as well as add their listings where they are absent.

To get a grip on the flow of Canadian Local citations, take a look at the Local Search Ecosystem in Canada graphic, also by David Mihm. That can be found here. Just follow the lines back from Google back to the directories. It's a good idea to read the article as well, to get an idea of the most important citations.

I hope that our Canadian customers find value in these articles.

Annie Buck
Local, Social Media and Education Manager
Acorn IS

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